CRESTA stands for Catastrophe Risk Evaluation and Standardizing Target Accumulations and is the global standard to analyse natural risks and hazards, like earthquakes, storms and floods, as well as terror attacks.
CRESTA was founded as a joint project of a few major insurance companies with the aim of establishing a globally uniform system for the accumulation risk control of natural hazards.
CRESTA zones regard the distribution of insured values within a region or country for easier assessment of risks.
- Covers 137 countries
- Regular updates
- Digital delivery as well as delivery on dvd
Aggregated global zones for insurance risk management
Global CRESTA Plus helps brokers and reinsurers assess and present natural hazard risk, based on the zoning system established by the world’s leading reinsurers. While peril-independent, CRESTA (Catastrophe Risk Evaluating and Standardizing Target Accumulations) has established a uniform and global system to transfer, electronically, aggregated exposure data for accumulation risk control and modelling among insurers and reinsurers.
CRESTA was originally developed as a joint project of Swiss Reinsurance Company (Zurich), Gerling-Konzern Globale Reinsurance Company (Cologne) and the Munich Reinsurance Company (Munich). With Global CRESTA Plus this industry standard is brought into the digital mapping age.
Insurance professionals need accurate and reliable maps and databases. In today’s times of climate change, demand has increased for the geospatial intelligence offered by digital mapping to manage risks and reduce exposure. Global CRESTA Plus offers insurers an important basis for aggregated risk assessment, exposure management and reinsurance negotiation & reporting.
Powered by Global CRESTA Plus, applications can developed to allow users to search for policy location, establish the CRESTA zone and then analyse/present the aggregate risk across a portfolio. Applications can be further enhanced by adding a variety of natural hazard data sets such as earthquake locations, storm paths, meteorological, geological and insurance-specific statistical data.
Significantly, CRESTA is an evolving standard with countries being newly zoned or redefined each year. With annual maintenance programme, featuring quarterly updates, Global CRESTA Plus keeps track of these developments in an ever-changing world.
CRESTA zone look-ups, based on Global CRESTA Plus, is also available via an easy-to-use web based service called CRESTA:net.
Key features
- Comprehensive implementation of latest CRESTA zones
- Includes Global Insight Plus base map
- High and low resolution versions
- Extensive places gazetteer
- Maintenance programme available
- Enterprise ready
New in Global Cresta Plus v2017.1
- Over 30% increase to over 1.2 million named places
- New: MARPOL 73/78 protected marine area layers (inc. IMO Polar Code)
- Earthquakes layer updated with events to date
- Political updates, including all changes published by ISO and GENC
- Updates to 1st and 2nd level administrative boundaries
- Support for Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
- Time zones with updated DST for 2017/2018
Global CRESTA Plus consists of the following intermatching data layers:
- Current political map, 1:1m scale [regions]
- Current political map, 1:3m scale [regions]
- Country reference [points]
- Time zones [regions]
- Coastlines [polylines]
- International borders [polylines]
- 1st level administrative borders [polylines]
- 2nd level administrative borders [polylines]
- 2nd level administrative regions [regions]
- Alternative names [points]
- Urban sprawls [regions]
- Points of Interest (POI) [points]
A number of useful backgrounds, grids and lines are also supplied.
Data Formats
Global CRESTA Plus is available in the following data formats:
- ESRI Shapefile
- MapInfo TAB
- MapInfo MIF/MID
Other major formats can be supported by special arrangement.
Global CRESTA Plus is supplied on DVD or by online delivery.
Pricing and data samples
We can tailor a package for Global CRESTA Plus to meet your specific needs.
Please contact Erik van Hunnik (+31 6 50276604) or use our contactform to request a quotation or data sample.
Attractive licensing terms are available to organisations who wish to integrate Global CRESTA Plus into their own software products. Such applications are subject to a commercial agreement. Please contact Erik van Hunnik (+31 650276604) us to discuss your requirements.
Please note that Global CRESTA Plus is licensed, not sold, and is subject to an End-User Licence Agreement (EULA).