Data enrichment with Geo information


Data enrichment with geo information such as coordinates and travel times offers so much more inside information. First Element offers geocoding services where we determine the coordinates of your addresses and, if desired, add more data to it.

Three customer cases

An international retail organisation had collected half a million customer data in Eastern Europe. The addresses were collected from several sources, were not normalised and written in both Cyrillic and Latin script. With our knowledge and software we were able to process these addresses and add coordinates to them, in just a few days. The percentage of successful geocodes was up to 85% on street level detail and was improved with postcode locations until just over 90%. With this information our customer retrieved most valuable information on the spreading of their customers and the catchment area of their branches.

A Dutch organisation with a few hundreds of employees in three different locations throughout the country, asked us to calculate the most optimal travel time and transportation method for their entire staff. With E-Maps Mobility we calculated the travel time for public and private transport and even per bike! Starting point for travel using public transport was the most optimal travel time with arrival within 08.30 and 09.30 am. With E-Maps Mobility we are able to calculate cross border travel times within the Benelux.

A company was searching for market in Russia for her products. They asked us to geocode tens of thousands of addresses within Russia. The addresses were obtained from an international business register and of high quality. With these addresses we achieved 99,5% successful geocodes.

More information

Call Erik van Hunnik (+31 6 50276604) or send an email ( for more information on geocoding and data enrichment.