
The Geo Added Value

Maps & Data

There is a large variety of digital maps and (socio) demographic data available. First Element is partner of the world leading maps and data supplier to deliver the best quality and with the best coverage. For specific countires or data request, we have contact with local suppliers. Otherwise, we will find them. Ask us for:

  • vector street data
  • aerial photo’s
  • administrative and postal boundaries
  • demographic data – population, households, agebands
  • socio demographisch – income, spendings, unemployment, welfare
  • retail spending, retail centrality
  • Cresta zones

We deliver in various formats: Excel (XLS, CSV), Esri Shape (SHP), MapInfo Tab (TAB)

Maps & Data Of The Netherlands

For the Netherlands there are different vector maps available with administrative and postal code boundaries. You can purchase the maps separate or as a bundle and they are regularly being updated.

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European Maps & Data

The postal code and NUTS boundaries of different countries within Europe are available per country or as a bundle for either West Europe, East Europe or whole of Europe.

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Wordwide Data

Official boundaries are a necessity to analyze locations for your business. The socio-demographic data offers a valuable input for location planning, marketing campaign and visualisation of their effects.

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Socio-Demografische Data

In today’s competitive retail market, sales, optimization and growth are critical to survival. All businesses need to know where their customers are located and how much disposable income their target groups possesses.

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Unemployment Data Europe

Are you looking for information for your planning and analysis? First Element provides data from all over the world. With data about the spatial distribution of population by sex or age groups, households or unemployment rates, on admin or postcode level.

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Cresta Data

CRESTA (Catastrophe Risk Evaluation and Standardizing Target Accumulations) is a uniform and global system to transfer, electronically, aggregated exposure data for accumulation risk control and modelling among insurers and reinsurers.

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Drive Time Matrix

A DriveTime Matrix is a table with mutual travel times and travel distances between the centroids of the 4- or 5- digit postal areas. The table can be integrated in existing applications.

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Calculating optimal travelling times and travelling distances from Excel with advanced routing techniques. Calculations allow for public transport, car and on foot.

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The geo-coder offers you in either Excel or MapInfo Professional the ability to add a list of addresses to a map. It provides your address with an x and y coordinate or correctly written addresses or area information.

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Excel And MapInfo Geocoder

Our geocoder offers you the opportunity in either Excel or MapInfo Pro to add just a handful or a complete file of thousands of addresses to a map in just a few clicks. The coordinates can be safed for further use.

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Consumer Styles

Our data is innovative for market segmentation and determination of target groups. We deliver data of various countries. Which consumer style occurs most frequently and where? Our data shows the most prominent consumer style within an area of a particular country.

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Global Daytime Population Density

Global Daytime Population Density gives information about the size of population that is present in a given area during the day. During the day the population in an area differs.

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Excel E-Maps

Create a map in Excel in a few clicks. Show points on a map based on X/Y coordinates, address or postal code. Create a thematic map, print or safe it. Your reports provide more insight and look more professional.

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MapInfo Pro

MapInfo Pro is a powerful mapping and geographic analysis application. By visualising the relationships between data and geography, MapInfo Pro enables you to create, share and use maps by translating data into information.

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E-Maps Mobility

E-Maps Mobility is the latest extension of Excel E-Maps. Get insights in travel of your workforce. In a few clicks, E-Maps Mobility calculates travel distance and time for public and private transport or pedestrians.

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MapBasic is the application-development environment for MapInfo Pro. It is free for MapInfo users. MapBasic is a BASIC-related programming language to automate functionalities and create custom made MapInfo Pro applications.

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MapInfo Viewer

MapInfo Viewer is a free program to share maps and tables in MapInfo format. With MapInfo Viewer you can open maps that have been created in MapInfo Pro. The viewer is compatible with the most recent version of MapInfo Pro.

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